Woman takes in 3 teen foster boys to give them the home they never had

They had spent their whole lives thinking no one would ever want them. Then they met the one who always would.


When people come up with the decision to adopt a child, most look for babies or toddlers. Unfortunately, teenagers are very often overlooked and are hardly ever given the chance to become part of a real family.

When these children age out and leave their foster homes, many are homeless, jobless, and insecure. They have a hard time moving forward and staring their new life. Unfortunately, the society’s perception of these teenagers doesn’t make things easier. They are likely perceived as troublesome and are rarely given any chances.

Sharon, the woman from the below video which has been seen and shared by millions of people, is a prof that adopting teenagers is sometimes the best decision one can make.

Source: YouTube/ Aaskarizona

She is an adoptive parent of three teenagers who experienced hardship early in life. Shantell, Chris, and Lex all had a troublesome childhood. As a result, they became distrustful and insecure. In fact, neither of them believed they would ever be adopted.

Source: YouTube/ Aaskarizona

At the start of the video, Chris explains that it was very hard for him to tell his social worker whenever a foster family wasn’t a good fit for him.

Shantell admitted that whenever he would get into trouble, his initial thought was to run away, but then his new mom would help him overcome any difficulty.

Source: YouTube/ Aaskarizona

When Lex became part of the family, he wasn’t happy. In fact, he hated Sharon and didn’t want to be adopted. Overtime, however, he learned that Sharon truly loved him and she truly cared, and he’s now happy and thriving, just like his two brothers.

Today, all three of these guys have a productive role in society.

Source: YouTube/ Aaskarizona

Sharon encourages others to follow her path and open the doors to their homes and hearts for older children.

Take a look at the touching video below.