Personality tests have always been a fascinating way to pass time and uncover little details about ourselves. They may not always give scientific results, but they spark curiosity and fun. A trending personality test suggests that the first color...
Thanksgiving morning was a busy one, to say the least. I was making my best to prepare everything for the feast, and that included pies, some fancy cranberry sauce, mashed-potatoes, and of course, the Thanksgiving turkey that my husband...
When Albert's wife was alive, his life made sense, but no that she was gone, he was just a lonely old man who never had any visitors. His days were dull, and only his cat Joe made him company. As...
Kindness, no matter how big or small, always goes a long way, and two people, a young boy freezing during a cold December day and a retired teacher whose life revolved around books knew that all too well. Mr....
My fiance and his 7-year-old daughter moved in with me. I was looking forward to my new life with them and made sure they felt welcomed and cozy in their new home. But almost every morning, I was awoken...
Being 34, my parents forced me to get married or they wouldn't leave me any inheritance. I was given an ultimatum to find a husband by the time I turn 35. Feeling the urge to get back at them,...