Most stray dogs have rough life on the streets because they are left to fend for themselves. Many times they are forced to go through people’s garbage in hopes of finding some food, or they simply wait for someone kind to offer them their scraps.
Betty Boop is one those canines who wasn’t lucky enough to end up as someone’s pet. One day, however, this dog was spotted by a woman named Krystle Woodward who wanted to take her in and give her some food. But it wasn’t an easy task as the dog was doing her best to escape whenever Woodward would approach her.
After a couple failures, Betty Boop was finally in the hands of Woodward and her husband. They gave her a bath and wanted to take her at the vet’s for a check-up but the dog escaped once again.
The couple knew something was going on as the dog didn’t want to stay with them even though they fed her and treated her nice. They assumed she could be having puppies, so one day, they decided to let her out and hopefully lead them to her litter of babies.
To their surprise, Betty Boop indeed was a mother. She had ten babies, and her rescuers couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
What is remarkable about this whole story is that she trusted these humans so much that she allowed them to meet the sweet puppies.
The meeting was filled with emotions as both the woman and the dog cried. This is something you need to see to believe.