Soldier turns around to see his former military dog running right into his arms

Taylor served her country all her life by saving soldiers’ lives, and the Taliban even had a bounty on her head. Now retired, it was only right that the dog be paired back up with her former battle buddy.


We often speak of the sacrifice men and women from the military make all for the sake of the country and its people. However, we seem to forget how the dogs who are part of the army put their life on the line every single day, too. Because of these courageous animals many soldiers’ lives are saved. 

One such dog is Taylor whom her fellow soldiers call Tay-Tay. 

During her two deployments, Tay-Tay did amazing job and everyone spoke of her readiness to act quickly in life-threatening situations. And as everyone loved this heroic dog, there was one person who never left her side during serving away from home. Sargent Tom Hanson and Tay-Tay became best buddies and kept each-other’s back. 

Tay-Tay is now retired and her life is no longer in danger of bombs and the enemies. When a dog finishes their mission of serving the country, they are usually put up for adoption. Many times, the soldiers who were their companions during deployment are interested to take them in, but this rarely happens because those reunions cost lots of money. 

But you know how they say it, where there is will, there is way, and Molli Oliver is the kind-hearted person who does her best to make former service pals to be reunited again. 

Molli is a flight attendant whose mission in life is to bring former military dogs and soldiers together. How she do it? Using her own money. 

This time, Molli was touched by the story of Sgt. Hanson and Tay-Tay and she made their reunion a reality. 

The emotional moment was caught on video, and we can see Sgt. Hanson’s excitement. The moment the dog runs into the arms of her best friend is simply amazing.