The heavy rain that started out of the blue left Linda, an elderly woman, soaking wet. In an attempt to find a shelter until the rain stopped, she got to the nearest café, a place known as one of the most exclusive in town. But just as she was about to enter, the manager, Simon, stopped her.
“Ma’am, I’m currently hosting over a hundred people inside. Let’s not waste our time here. I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” he told her.
Linda assured him she would order something, but he insisted that she leave the place.
With her clothes wet and her otherwise well-kept hair damp and all over her face, Linda left.
The following day, when Simon got to work, he noticed his boss sitting with someone who looked familiar. It was Linda, the woman Simon didn’t let in the previous day.
He approached the table and that’s when his boss said. “Simon, these are good friends of mine. They are buying the café.”
Simon was shocked.
The boss then said, “Simon is our manager. He’s kind, sensitive, and empathetic.”
Hearing this, Linda smiled and said, “I’m sure he is,” although she knew he wasn’t any of it when he kicked her out in the rain.
Once she purchased the place, Linda told Simon that if he wanted to remain part of the café, he needed to work as a waiter instead of a manager.
He wasn’t glad, but he knew that he deserved it for the way he treated Linda the day he first met her.
Some weeks passed by, and one day, an elderly lady entered the café. She ordered a cup of coffee and a small sandwich. However, when she was about to pay, she said she had forgotten her wallet at home.
Simon, who was her server that day, took the bill and said, “No worries. I’ll cover it.”
The woman asked him why he would do that, to what Simon replied, “Well, people should help each other out. Some time ago, the new owner of this restaurant gave me a second chance because she is a kind person. I want to be more like her.”
The woman smiled and said, “Young man, I’m sure you’ll get to be a manager again.”
Simon got confused. “How could she possibly know that I was a manager before.”
But then, Linda appeared in front of him. “Simon, this woman is my friend. Her visit was a little test to see if you’ve learned your lesson, and I’m glad you did. You are getting your managerial position back. Effective immediately.”
Simon was glad. He learned to never judge anyone based on their appearance.
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Bored Daddy
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