Neglected dog arrives at shelter nearly starved to death — now he’s living his best life

Some animal rescue stories touch us so deeply that we are left with the feelings they triggered at us long after we’ve stumbled upon their fate.

The life of street dogs is never easy. They have hard times finding food and fending for themselves. During severe weather, they struggle to find shelters, and sadly, many die of freezing and starvation.

When a dog named Pumpkin arrived at the South Suburban Humane Society, in Illinois, he was so skinny that the chances of his survival were slim.

Emily Klehm, CEO of the South Suburban Humane Society, shared with Newsweek that Pumpkin was an “extreme case” that left them speechless. “He was severely emaciated and unable to walk,” she said.

Pumpkin received the much-needed medical help. His fur was shaved off and he finally got rid of the matted balls of hair that made his life a living hell.

“Thankfully, we got him into foster care, where he is starting to improve and stand on his own again,” the shelter wrote on Facebook. “His journey is still long, but we are incredibly proud of him so far.”

It didn’t take long until Pumpkin was able to stand on his own. What’s most, thanks to the love and care he has received, he’s now able to run and wag his tail at his rescuers.

“This little man is so strong and getting better every single day,” the shelter wrote. “[He] is progressing, and we cannot wait to see how much more he continues to improve!” 

The shelter is still unaware of Pumpkins previous life, but they don’t believe he ever lived around humans because he’s not used to walking on a leash or playing with balls and toys.

No one really knows where he lived before he was finally rescued and given a chance for a better life.

The shelter hopes they would be able to find Pumpkin a loving home. They believe it would be for the best if he’s taken in by people who have experienced with having dogs in their home.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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