When my husband first introduced me to my MIL, she seemed like the kindest person there was, but soon after, I learned she was far from the woman she tried to represent her to be – the last straw was when she ruined our gender reveal party.
My mother-in-law, Angela, has always been heavily involved in my and Carl’s lives. When I say heavily, I mean she’s been there ALL the time.
On our wedding day, she claimed there was an emergency my dad needed to help her with, and in the next moment, she grabbed me by my hand and walked with me down the isle, stealing my dad’s moment.
When we bought our home, Angela and her husband somehow bough one in the same neighborhood, claiming they did it “accidentally.”
And on our honey moon, as Carl and I were getting into the hotel, who was there to greet us? Angela, of course. “Hey guys, I had no idea you were coming here,” she said. Needless to say, we spent our honeymoon with her, whether we wanted that or not.
The final straw was during our gender reveal party. Everyone we loved was there, and the excitement of learning the gender of our baby grew bigger with each passing moment. The black balloon filled with confetti was waiting to be burst.
And just as we popped it and learned we were expecting a girl, Angela yelled, “I have some news to share with you. I’m pregnant.”
Listening to her words made me sick. Why would she choose my gender reveal party to reveal her own pregnancy?
I couldn’t stand it any longer.
“Angela, do you think this is the right time to share that?” I asked, obviously mad at her. Carl was as shocked as I was. “Mum! You are pregnant!???” he asked.
She smiled and expected everyone to congratulate her, but both Carl and I were angry and hurt.
“This isn’t the right time,” I told my MIL, “you ruined our gender reveal party. You crossed every boundary there is, and now this?”
Angela burst into tears. She accused us of not being happy for her. She couldn’t understand that her timing was totally wrong.

In the days to come, I didn’t hear from her, and honestly, I was relieved. But that was until she started forcing me to go shopping with her.
She wanted to visit every baby shop there was, and I really couldn’t stand her any longer.
One day while at the shopping center, I told her I would go to the toilet and left for a few minutes. When I returned, I spotted her at one of the shops, holding a fake pregnancy belly. And then it hit me, she could have been lying the whole time.
Could my MIL not be pregnant but pretended to be just to have my gender reveal party ruined?

Honestly, one could expect anything from that woman.
Once home, I told my husband about it, but he refused to believe me. He said his mom could have been trying the fake belly just to see how clothes would fit her once her actual belly grows, but I wasn’t convinced.
When the time for her gender reveal party arrived, I hired a photographer and had a plan to expose her in front of everyone.
As the night proceeded, I suggested she takes some photos with her belly revealed, but as expected, she said she didn’t want to.
“Why not,” I asked her, “your son and I have photos like that, and we all know how much you love stealing the spotlight.”
Angela was shocked at my words. I insisted she uncovers her belly for the photoshoot I paid for, but she kept saying no. At that moment, I grabbed her by her shirt and lifted it.
To my surprise, Angela’s belly was real. But how could that be?

My husband and my father-in-law were mad at me for embarrassing my MIL like that. They demanded I apologize to her, and I did. I made a mistake and doubted her words.
When I entered her room, Angela was crying. I said I was sorry and explained why I thought what I thought. It wasn’t just the fake belly, but also her overstepping the boundaries from day one. I felt like she was suffocating me, and I finally told her how I felt.
Instead of being angry, my MIL gave me a hug and said she didn’t know I felt that way. What’s most, she promised to give me and my husband the space we needed.
From that day, we didn’t see much of Angela as we used to, but we still remained close.
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Bored Daddy
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