My ex-husband ended up with the house, car, and all our money after the divorce – and I laughed, because that was exactly what I had intended

My marriage with Mike was done way before we signed any papers. He’d been more into his flashy image than into us for ages. Big cars, big house—if it screamed “Look at me,” he wanted it. So when he finally told me he wanted a divorce, I wasn’t shocked.

Going through divorce is never easy no matter how bad the marriage was. Everything around the lengthy court process is extremely tiring, such as splitting the belongings, fighting for custody if children are involved, wasting time, money, and nerves.

As Barbra was preparing dinner, Mike, who has always been obsessed with his social image, placed the car keys on the counter and told her they needed to talk. Barbra knew what was coming. She was certain he was going to ask her for divorce, and it didn’t even took a couple of seconds until she learned she was right.

To Mike’s surprise, she agreed to separate from him.


He expected her to beg him, cry over his decision, but she didn’t show any emotions. No matter how hard it was and how defeated she felt, she did her best to stay calm and indiferent.

In the days that followed, they barely spoke to each other until they finally found themselves sitting opposite each other in a dull conference room with their lawyers by their side.

Mike started listing the things he wanted; the house, the car, the savings. He was so cold that it looked like he was reading out of a grocery list.

After listening to him without objecting, Barbra said he could have it all.

Her lawyer gave her a serious look, but she said it was fine. All she wanted were her personal belongings.

With laughter, Mike, who believed he won the divorce, told her she had until the afternoon to take what’s hers and leave his house for good.

Barbra left the room and headed towards the elevator. Once inside, she couldn’t contain her laughter. One would thing she snapped, but she had an ace up her sleeve. Just the elevator’s door opened, she sent a text message that read, “Mon, get ready for my sweet revenge.”


Barbra’s mom was never fond of Mike. From the moment she first met him she knew he wasn’t the one for her daughter. The two never got along because she was aware Mike was egocentric who only cared about his own interests.

When Barbra and Mike were purchasing the house, Barbra’s mom helped them financially. She was the reason Mike believed he scored a great deal on their new home, but what he didn’t know was that she would also be the reason for him to lose it.

On the day Barbra packed her belongings and settled in a tiny apartment just blocks away, she received a call from Mike. She put him on speaker and leaned back on her chair to enjoy her toast and her revenge. Mike was furious. He told Barbra that her mother moved in with him and refused to leave the house.


Smiling, Barbra reminded him about the agreement he signed years ago when her mom gave them the down-payment for the house. With small print it read that she could live in that house whenever she wanted for as long as she wanted.

As she laughed at her victory, Barbra could hear her mother telling Mike to turn the TV off. She definitely knew how to drive him crazy.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace