Mom on a mission to show daughter with extremely rare birthmark that she is beautiful

As long as we accept and cherish those that are somewhat different in one way or another, this world would be a great place.

When baby Winry was welcomed into the world, her parents noticed a patch on her face. They thought it was a bruise at first, but doctors told them the little one was born with congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN), an extremely rare birthmark.

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“When they first handed her to me, I thought it was a bruise. It was then quickly apparent to my husband and I that it was not a bruise. And like the name, I thought it looked a lot like a mole,” mom Nicole Hall told Good Morning America. 

”I was lucky to have a pretty average pregnancy! I had morning sickness from about weeks 8-14, but as soon as that let up I felt great until the tiredness kicked in the last month,” she writes on her blog, adding that no one could possibly knew that the little one would have such a birthmark on her face.

”Some of the excitement of labor had passed, and I would say worry was the main emotion I felt – I recognized that it resembled a mole, but I had never seen anything like it, and I was worried it might be harmful to her. None of the nurses had said anything about it at this point, but I wasn’t sure what to ask so I just held her tight and loved on her.”

According to a report by the National Organization for Rare Diseases by Dr. Harper Price of Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Dr. Heather Etchevers of Marseille Medical Genetics, Winry’s condition causes light brown to black patches which can appear in many different ways and on different parts of the body.

Having this birthmark means there’s a potential risk of developing a melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Although that risk is relatively low, Nicole always makes sure to put a hat on Winry’s head whenever they are out in the sun. She also puts sunscreen on her baby’s face and takes every precaution.

“Her health and happiness are our top priority. We have to monitor her with sunscreen. I’m careful with hats and that sort of thing. I know our regular dermatology appointment is probably going to be our best friend growing up,” Nicole says.

Winry’s parents are aware there would be stares as their girl grows up, and probably later in life too, so they do all in their power to help raise awareness about CMN.

“For a lot of people, this is the first time seeing a birthmark like hers and that’s part of why I enjoy sharing,” Nicole says. “This is a good conversation for parents with their children to see kids have differences, or for those parents who do have a kid that looks like Winry or has any kind of a birthmark to see their child represented.”

Winry is a happy and a healthy girl, and her mom and dad hope that once she becomes aware of her birthmark she would accept it as part of her and would cherish her difference.

“She just radiates joy. She’s almost always laughing or shrieking. She is just the happiest baby I have ever seen,” shared the mom. “She’s a big talker already. We haven’t got a whole lot of words out, but she tells you like it is and she’s already getting a little bit of sassiness, so I think we’re gonna have a lot on our hands.”

Through her TikTok videos which feature now 13-month-old Winry, Nicole is getting to a number of people and spreading awareness. They have already been contacted by other parents whose children have CMN, among which a family from Brazil whose son has almost identical birthmark as that of Winry.

At least they know they are not alone.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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