The ongoing coronavirus pandemic affected millions of people, one way or another. As many lost their income due to the huge number of businesses which collapsed, others, the most unfortunate ones, lost their lives.
The bad thing is that the virus is still here and spreading, and it looks like we are unable to put a stop to it no matter how hard we try. But hopefully, better days are coming.
Autumn Carver was 33 weeks pregnant when both she and her husband Zach contracted the virus. Zach’s health wasn’t affected drastically, but Autumn’s condition was getting worse and worse with each passing day, so she was rushed to the Methodist Hospital and was put on a ventilator. Because of the severity of her condition, doctors had to deliver her baby via C-section.
Little Huxley was born on August 27 and stayed at the hospital for 10 days. Sadly, his mom was on life support. Her lungs almost collapsed and her future was uncertain.
Luckily, as time passed by, Autumn’s condition improved, and finally, after nearly two months, she was able to hold her baby boy.
Speaking of the touching encounter between this mother and her baby boy, husband Zach told Good Morning America, “A surprise conversation with a doctor this morning brought us out of isolation and a plan for Autumn to meet Huxley. Same convo advised us that Autumn Carver’s tracheotomy would be switched out to a smaller one so she could have a speaking devise attached to it.
“At 3 pm today she met our son and it was an amazing moment needless to say. Her parents, one of her best friends and many nurses and doctors witnessed the special moment. I don’t know if there was a dry eye in the area. Later this afternoon I got to hear Autumn say ‘I love Zach’. What an amazing day.
“We have a long way to go, but a good day through this was much needed. Autumn says thank you for all the prayers and support along the way. God bless you.”
He added that the entire experience was very emotional for everyone.
Although she was able to be taken off life support, Autumn was told she would need lungs transplant, but as time passed by, her health improved.
“We went from she’s going to die, to she’s going to need a full lung transplant to she’s going to go home,” Zach told Good Morning America. “It’s an absolute miracle.”
This mom of three is one of the bravest individuals we’ve ever met. Her love for her kids and her husband made her fight hard, and she eventually ended up a winner.
For more on the story go to the video below.