Nikki wasn’t like the rest of the children at her school. While they were nicely dressed and led a carefree lives, she was forced to do everything around the house. She cooked, cleaned, and took care of her bedridden mother. For her classmates, Nikki was just a poorly dressed girl.
Sadly, she was a victim of constant bullying by her classmates who called her names and made fun of her. One of the girls, Martha, would always make sure she insulted Nikki, telling her she was poor and stinky.

One day, while on the school bus, Martha gathered the girls from the class and they all made fun of Nikki in front of everyone. “Ew! You stink like a garbage bag!” Martha said as loudly as she could, while the rest of the girls chimed in, pinching their noses.
Nikki couldn’t put up with the bullying. She was struggling to stop tears from rolling down her face.
Luckily, the bus driver, Mrs. Evans, intervened. She scolded the girls for their behavior and comforted Nikki.

She even asked her about her life, but Nikki didn’t share much.
Mrs. Evans thought about Nikki and was determined to find a way to help her, and in order to do that, she decided to follow after Nikki one day and meet with her parents.
That’s when the kind bus driver learned that the poorly dressed girl didn’t have a father, and that her mother was very sick.
This revelation broke her heart into a million pieces.

Luckily, Mrs. Evans knew exactly what to do. Her daughter was a media professional, and Mrs. Evans turned to her for help.
Once she shared Nikki’s story with her, Mrs. Evans’ daughter said they could feature it on the news of the local TV station, and Mrs. Evans made sure Nikki’s classmates heard it too.
Eventually, the story aired, and Mrs. Evans asked from Nikki’s teacher to play the broadcast, urging the children and parents to reflect on their treatment of the poorly dressed girl.

When they learned how hard Nikki’s life has been, her classmates were ashamed of the way they treated her. Some of them even cried and promised to never bully anyone again. They learned that everyone they meet in life is fighting a battle they know nothing about, which is why they should always be kind.
The following day, when Nikki entered the classroom, her friends greeted her with a loud applause and congratulated her on her courage and resilience.
Martha and her friends donated clothes to the girl they once made fun of and their parents and the entire community raised funds for Nikki’s mom’s surgery.
What started as a story of cruelty, turned into an inspiring tale of compassion.
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Bored Daddy
Love and Peace