I accidentally picked up my husband’s work call, and the voice on the other end revealed his double life

Julianne’s entire life consisted of juggling between being a housewife, a perfect mother and wife, and a busy volunteer at the local school. Her husband, Raymond, was the breadwinner who was always stressed by his job of a manager at a local firm. Despite her hectic schedule, Julianne did her best to keep everything running smoothly, until she discovered her husband led a double life.

The day Julianne learned of Raymond’s ultimate betrayal was the day her life fell into pieces.

The morning started like any other, with Raymond being in a hurry to leave the house and get at his office in time. The only thing that was different was that he forgot his phone at the kitchen counter.

A few moments after he slammed the door behind him, his phone started ringing like crazy. Julianne believed it was something important that shouldn’t be ignored so she picked it up.

The words she heard from the woman at the end of the line made her question her sanity.

“Raymond,” the familiar voice snapped. “I warned you! If you don’t get rid of her, I’ll tell everyone I’m pregnant with your child.”

It was Vera, Julianne’s sister, the person who always created chaos in Julianne’s otherwise calm life.

Not only her husband had an affair, but the person he had been cheating her with was her own sister.

Julianne sat on the kitchen floor. Her legs were too shaky to be able to hold her. She opened Raymond’s phone and went through his messages. The words he had been exchanging with Vera felt like a sharp knife. As she was going through the lines, the phone slipped from her hand, hitting the tiles with a loud clatter.


Raymond was planning to leave Julianne, leaving her penniless, and Vera had the same plane. She was about to divorce her husband, Jack, and start her life over with Raymond at a different country, away from everyone they knew.

Feeling defeated, Julianne turned to the only person who could understand her pain, Jack.

She got inside her car and drove to Jack’s office. The place was quiet, and even his secretary wasn’t there yet. As she walked through the hallway, with her sneakers squeaking against the polished floor, her heart raced.

Wondering how Jack would react at his wife betrayal and double life, she knocked on the door of his office as hard as she could.


“Come in,” Jack said. He was everything Vera wasn’t; calm, level-headed, and honest.

Julianne didn’t have the courage to say even a word. She just handed Raymond’s phone to Jack while her hands trembled and tears kept running down her face.

Without asking any questions, Jack took the phone and went through the messages. “Goddammit, Vera,” he said under his breath.

It did take some time before Jack looked at Julianne’s eyes and said, “Calm down, we need to make a plan.” He causally took his notepad, opened it, and started writing something.

A bit shocked by his calm demeanor, Julianne asked him, “Jack, aren’t you surprised?”

“Honestly, knowing your sister, even something like this was expected from her,” he said.

Julianne and Jack made a plan to organize a dinner that evening and expose their spouses.


Gathering courage and trying hard not to reveal her anger, Julianne called Vera and invited her over, telling her to bring Jack. She then called Raymond and told him his sister and Jack were coming. “Make sure you grab some wine, Ray,” she told her cheating husband.

That evening, she and Jack were about to expose their spouses about their double life.

When Vera and Jack arrived, Vera didn’t suspect anything. She acted as casual as ever.

But then, she asked for a glass of wine and Julianne said, “But won’t that hurt your baby?”

Vera was shocked. “What baby?” she asked as though she didn’t know what her sister was talking about.


At that moment, Jack handed Vera divorce papers, and Julianne did the same.

Both Vera and Raymond realized their plans and lives fell apart.

The story of their double lives spread around their small town. Wherever they went, they felt the weight of everyone’s judgement.

Once the affair was exposed, Julianne and Jack secured a fair settlement for themselves and left their spouses with no assets.

With Jack’s help, Julianne was able to start her life over, without the man who betrayed her by her side.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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