The Mayo Clinic describes the narcissistic personality disorder as “a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance.”
Often, these people lack empathy and put themselves on the list of their priorities, not caring about the feelings of others.
When not given the special treatment they are convinced they deserve, narcissists can easily get angered and disappointed.
These people often expect to be recognized as superior for no particular reason, they are critical of and look down on other people, get advantage of others, are envious, arrogant, and insist on having the best of everything.
Among the rest, narcissists are liars and manipulators.
Below are some tricks and tactics to surpass their deceptions and force them to tell the truth.
1. Find their vulnerabilities and insecurities
In order to be able to face a narcissist, first you need to learn their insecurities and vulnerabilities. No matter how much they try to portray themselves as perfect, just like any human out there, they also face their fears.
2. Confront their lies
Sometimes, for the sake of our relationship with a person with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) we pretend to trust their words although we are aware they are presenting us with lies. Doing this can do more harm than good. Instead, we need to make sure we are completely aware they are not telling the truth.
3. Ignore their feelings
When they try to deceive you by playing a victim, even though they are not, ignore their feelings. When they are crying and act like they are falling apart, try to remain cold-hearted.
4. Go no contact
If you are trying to discover is narcissists are telling the truth or not, ignore them for some time and let them self-reflect on their words and actions. Make them feel your absence and your disinterest of having them close to you. They will likely come crawling back sooner than you might think. Tell them you will cut all contact if they don’t stop lying, and stand firm in your decision.
5. The art of bluffing
To catch a narcissist in a lie, master the art of bluffing. When confronting them about their lies maintain eye contact and convince them you already know the truth (although that may not be the case). You can hint that someone saw something or suggest you found evidence. Even if you don’t know what they’re hiding, acting as if you do may pressure them into confessing.
6. Narcissistic methods
Turn the tables and use some of the most common methods narcissists use, such as gaslighting, triangulation, silent treatment, and stonewalling to caught them in their own lies.
7. Collect evidence in time
Once you notice a red flag and some of the symptoms of a narcissistic person, collect evidence of their lies from the first moment.
8. Lie back to them
When caught in their lies, narcissist try to convince you they did it for your own good and play victims. So why not try to do the same. Lie to them about something obvious and stick to your versions of the stories or events, pretending as though they truly happened although you are aware the narcissist knows you are lying. They play with your mental health just like they do with yours. This may eventually help them realise what their lies are doing to those around them.
9. Never give up on the truth
When you confront them about their lies, these people use a defensive mechanism, trying to portray YOU as the bad guy. They may start calling you names and put the blame on you. In cases like this, you may decide to stop pursuing the truth for the sake of maintaining the peace in your relationship. But if you do that, you’ll lose your credibility and they will have even more power over you the next time you confront them.
10. Always remain calm
No matter how they react when they are exposed, always try to stay calm because losing your temper is something most narcissistic people count on. If you get angry, they may use reverse psychology on you and twist your words.
11. Focus on your emotions
Don’t let their lies ruin you emotionally. Narcissists will try to convince you that you misinterpreted their words, that you are overreacting, and that you should blame on your own insecurities. Don’t trust them, and keep your peace.
12. Make them emotionally dependent on you
In order to put a stop to their lies and manipulations, make these people emotionally dependent on you. If they are scared to lose you, they may try to change.
13. Don’t accept their apologies
When you accept their apologies you give them a chance to lie to you again. Try not to forgive them and accept them back unless they admit to their lies. You do know the truth already, but make sure you hear it from them.
14. A biased bystander
If you are not certain if your are lied to, and the narcissist tries to convince you you are not, have someone you trust to see your entire relationship objectively.
Of course, if you are involved with someone who has NPD and you struggle emotionally to get the truth out of them, ask yourself if it’s worth it.
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