That dogs are man’s best friends is something most of us know all too well. Having a four-legged companion by your side makes all the difference.
Baxter is a senior therapy dog that makes the days of the patients at the San Diego Hospice a bit brighter. Although he’s 19 and a half years old himself, Baxter still has the energy to help these vulnerable people feel special even for a day.

Although he has difficulties walking on his own, Baxter’s owner, Melissa Joseph, is more than willing to carry him in her arms whenever they pay the dying patients a visit. Once at the hospice, Melissa puts Baxter in a wagon and they both go from one room to another providing comfort to the residents.
When patients see him, they are all pleased to spend some time with the amazing dog that spreads positivity around the place. To their request, Melissa lifts Baxter and places him down beside them on the bed.

Many of the patients are aware they are living the last days of their lives, but when Baxter is around and gives them licks and hugs, they forget of the reality and enjoy his presence.
The hospice chaplain Lisa McCollough witnesses just how much Baxter affects the patients’ mood and how he makes them forget about their pain even for a while.

The moments spent with Baxter is the last thing many of the patients experience. When he gets near each of them it felt like he is saying, “It’s okay, everything’s going to be fine.”
Sadly, after this video was filmed, Baxter passed away in the comfort of his home. He brought many smiles to many people and he’ll always be remembered as one special dog.