Baby Lives Despite Doctors Giving Only a Five Percent Chance of Survival

Baby Zoe was born prematurely and only weighted 10 ounces. Her mom Tammy feared she'd be signing her baby's birth and death certificates at the same time. But years later, this is what Zoe looks like.


Some couple’s wish to have a baby is so strong that they would do all in their power, no matter the obstacles that stand on their way, to have someone call them mommy and daddy. 

Tammy Koz suffered from lupus, which is a chronic autoimmune disease, so doctors warned her that she was at a higher risk of experiencing a miscarriage. But neither she nor her husband Eric ever doubted that they will become parents one day. So when Tammy got pregnant, the couple was over the moon and couldn’t wait to finally meet their sweet bundle of joy. 

Unfortunately, when she was in the 19th week of pregnancy doctors informed them how the baby wasn’t developing at the proper rate. Tammy was put on bed rest and had to visit the hospital every other day in order to make sure the tiny heart of the baby growing inside of her was still ticking. 

The family was told the baby’s chances of survival were something under five percent and that she had to deliver the baby at 27 weeks, otherwise, it would likely die. 

Oprah has documented the case of the Koz family over the years, and that is how the world learned of the brave baby girl Zoe who was born weighting only 10 ounces. 

Today, she is all grown up, and incredibly happy, healthy, and beautiful. 

You can check the whole story in the video below which is part of the series, “Where are they now” and features the life of miracle babies like Zoe. 

This family never lost hope that things would turn for the best for their little angel. They now have another daughter and Zoe has a little sister. 

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