Cows go bonkers over a huge bristle brush installed just for them

This is what cow heaven must look like.


Tom Pemberton is a young farmer from England who loves what he does for a living. He’s very active on the social media where he entered by chance and speaks of the life of farmers. He’s also embraced as a spokesperson for all the farmers out there.

“I got into social media by mistake. I was trying to promote a raw milk vending machine in a video, which my girlfriend helped me with at the time. We posted the video on Facebook and YouTube — Facebook went really well with around 11,000 views and YouTube only got 200-300 views. That’s how it started, completely by mistake!” Tom said.

However, we are very lucky he did because his farm resembles an animal heaven and watching videos of all the animals living there and enjoying their days is pure pleasure. Yes, Tom makes sure he keeps the livestock happy, and if you ask how one keeps a cow happy just take a look at what this young man is doing for his cattle.

During one of his latest videos, his followers noticed something resembling a huge brush in the middle of the farm and the cows gathered around it, scratching their heads and bodies.

What an incredible sight!

Source: YouTube/Tom Pemberton Farm Life

The huge scratching post for the cows was installed by Mayo Farm Systems, and Tom posted a video showing how it was placed. Some of the cows were closely monitoring the whole process as though they knew this unusual yellow thing is meant specially for them.

Thomas Duffy, the founder of Mayo Farm Systems and the inventor of this special brush which allows animals to rub their bodies on it, says he turned his idea into a real project firstly because he loves animals, and secondly because he wanted his brother’s cattle to be happy and not get hurt rubbing their bodies on the fences. He later offered to work with Tom and provide one for his cows as well.

Source: YouTube/Tom Pemberton Farm Life

The video is definitely a must watch. And as the caption says, this is how you can make 100 cows happy in the blink of an eye. Enjoy!