Two Sisters Give Birth To Twins On The Exact Same Day

I'm without words.


Becoming a parent is what many people dream of. However, there are lots of couples who struggle to conceive even after years of trying.

Annie Johnston and husband Joby explored all the options, but in vain. The much anticipated news of being pregnant were nowhere to be heard and just as they started losing hope of having a child on their own, Annie’s sister gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse.

However, this couple could never in their wildest dreams imagine this was just the beginning of the amazing and unbelievable things that followed.

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Chrissy already had two boys and normal and healthy pregnancies. She desperately wanted her younger sister to experience what she had. The fact that Annie couldn’t conceive a child for five years was something that made her heart break.

Chrissy told Daily Mail UK how she felt about her sister’s situation.

“It was heartbreaking. When they started having problems getting pregnant it was devastating to watch.”

She knew she had to do everything in her power to make Annie become a mother, so she got the lovely idea of being her surrogate.

Her sister were completely shocked at first. She couldn’t believe how generous and compassionate Chrissy was. She was willing to carry her sister’s child, and that’s not something many people are willing to do.

The couple was more than happy to give it another try.

The doctors started the procedure by implanting two embryos in Chrissy, and two in Annie, just to give it one last shot.

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Shortly after, the family witnessed a true miracle. Both sisters were pregnant. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing and everyone in the family was overwhelmed.

“They found one in me and then they moved over and saw another little sac with another flickering heartbeat, and we knew that we still had Chrissy left to go.”

The shock was even greater when they learned Chrissy was having twins as well. The Johnstons were about to welcome four babies, and they were over the moon.

On the delivery day, they decided Chrissy to be the first to give birth via c-section so that Annie could witness the birth of her twin boys, Charlie and Tommy. After the delivery went smoothly, ir was now Annie’s turn. She gave birth to two healthy baby girls they named Gracie and Haddie.

Annie told Daily Mail UK how exciting everyone was, saying:

“Trying to get at least one baby, we are just so excited to take all four of them home and they’re all healthy.”

The happy parents will certainly have their hands busy raising quadruplets. At least their home will never be a boring place. We hope they all have great life ahead and we congratulate the new parents on their bundles of joy.

You can watch the whole story in the video below.