Every child is a different kind of flower and blooms at different period of their life. For example, some start speaking and walking even before they turn one, and others do it at the age of 2 or even 3. But that’s okay, because just like grownups, kids are unlike, and possess different talents.

Brynn Cartagena was only three years old when she won her first medal at an ice skating competition. Her performance was pretty much flawless. What’s most impressive and most interesting of all is that she only spent overall eight weeks on ice skates before she took part in the Magnolia Open Ice Skating Competition

At first, she appeared a bit nervous, but once she took the floor, she showed her greatness and skated with confidence.
Brynn is all smiles and is so devoted to her routine that she makes us all fall in love with her and her passion.
And yes, why we love her skating even more is the song she chose to perform on. Having in mind she’s just three on the video, it doesn’t come as a surprise she opted for one of children’s most favorite, The Muffin Man.

With all her spins and all her cuteness, Brynn won our hearts, and she definitely deserved winning her first medal. Take a look at this cute little lady in the video below. Isn’t she a skater in the making?