11-year-old boy jumps from the window of a moving school bus to escape beating from bullies

We are so sorry he had to go through such a harrowing experience.


One devastated father shared a horrific story of how his 11-year-old son could have lost his life after he jumped out of a moving school bus in an attempt to escape the bullies who were beating him.

The poor boy leapt from the window and landed on a moving pickup truck before he landed on the highway. According to The New York Post, the father, Dion Murphy, spoke to FoxAtlanta5 and explained how his son was scared of what those bullies could do to him before he decided to do what he did. “One student jumped in his face, he was pushing him against the window, when he fell, the other student took his shoe and in a desperate attempt to escape it, he jumped out the window.”

The boy, who attended the Youth Middle School in Walton County, Georgia, was left unconscious and suffered a serious elbow injury. “I believe he was trying to escape the situation. At this moment, he felt his back was up against the wall,” his dad said.

The bus stopped at a turn lane and ambulance was called.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time for Dion’s son to be the victim of bullies. According to Dion, he had seen a tape of his boy being beaten by other students during a meeting at the principal’s office the previous Friday. Sadly, nothing had been done in order for further incidents to be prevented.

“There’s more tapes and that’s why I’m so upset because the school neglected the bullying act and did not do anything about it,” he said.

“They took it as horseplay, but my son could have lost his life.”

Since the incident, Dion’s son is no longer part of that school.